Batch processing images using the included ImageReady droplet.

There is an ImageReady droplet (.exe) file included (for MS Windows). If you have ImageReady you can use the files to create thumbnail images of an entire folder at once.

To Create Thumbnail Images:

Take a folder of images and drag them on top of the CreateThumbnail.exe icon. This will create thumbnails for every image in the folder. The thumbnails will be no bigger than 100 pixels in width or height. This will also append a -01 to the file name. E.g. For Family.jpg the thumbnail will be Family-01.jpg. It will not erase, change or otherwise modify your original images.

To change the default quality (set at 60), double-click on the Thumbnail.exe file and edit the options in the menu.

For more information on working with droplets read the ImageReady help file.

Proof Sheet

There is a proofsheet file in there. It is merely another view of your images. It is not needed for anything else.

ASP - Active Server Pages

The scripts use ASP. This is a server-side code (versus client-side like javaScript) that gets executed before the page is delivered to the person requesting the page. ASP is a Microsoft technology and you need a host that is running IIS (Microsoft's Internet Information Server).